At this point in time, it is hard for me to realistically believe that I am meant to have a "blog".
I don't use this blog in the way that blogs are meant to be used. I don't even use this blog the way that blogs aren't meant to be used. I don't use it at all!
Naturally, the next question rears it's smug little face: if all of this is true, why do I insist on returning to this little cubby hole on the web every so often? I guess it's because I can. And because I honestly enjoy the act of writing. I don't so much care to share it, but makes it so darn easy, it's hard not to.
So here I am, saying many things, and still, having not much to say.
I have been trying to make the most of this semester. It's funny that I refer to it as a 'semester', although I am not enrolled in classes. For a brief spell, when classes were just getting started at Belmont, I felt a bit melancholy about my decision to take time off. That feeling soon passed. I feel confident about my decision now. I have been steadily working on things not necessarily academic, but still important to me.
I will leave it at that.