Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Merry Christmas

(Gift idea #82)

True, Christmas may still be far over a month (or two) away, but that doesn't mean I can't start dreaming about what I may (but probably will not) find under the Christmas tree. In fact, I don't even have nearly enough guts to ask ANYone to spend this amount of money on a Christmas gift, especially not one for me. These boots sell for just under $200. Worth it? I have no idea. I'll let you know if I find out.

My parents are coming into town this Friday, and I am super excited about it. I have been missing all of my family so very much lately, and it will be wonderful to see them. I can't wait for Thanksgiving when everyone is together again.

Album of the Day: Loveless - My Bloody Valentine
I listened to this album pretty much the entire day while walking to and from class (And the various other places that I walked to today on campus). I only recently acquired it from my friend Ryan, though I have sought it for at least a year now, if not longer. The music wasn't exactly appropriate for the weather, though. Lately, things have been absolutely frigid outside, and today was a fair bit warmer, especially when standing in the sun. This album, in my opinion, would be the ideal soundtrack for an icy and overcast winter day. I'm sure I'll break it out again before this cold season is over.

Monday, October 27, 2008


I found out last night that I like tea more than I thought I did.
In the past, I've dismissed it as flavorless and boring.
And last night, I think it was those very characteristics that attracted me to it so much.


Monday, October 20, 2008

this bright pilgrimage

I was just clicking around on the internet this morning, and stumbled upon a myspace page that I haven't visited in quite awhile. It brings back fond memories. Listen to "Old Friend" here. I miss making music and it being as simple as this project used to be. And I miss Tim
(in Japan), Sarah (all over the place), and Kelley (in England)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I've been wandering aimlessly back and forth from the floor and the backstock room of American Apparel for about the last hour or so. The chilling hand of "no business" is grips me tightly. Ironically, just as I finished typing that sentence a new OSD report (A paper which tells me what needs to be restocked up front) spewed out of the fat little printer sitting next to me. Finally, a task calling for completion!

It is Saturday night here in Nashville. Every now and then, I step out to the front of the store to survey the drunken pedestrians who gawk and giggle as they pass the ridiculously bright display windows of the American Apparel establishment in which I work. The display mannequins are dressed in various Halloween costumes. Somehow, the passing patrons don't make the connection that these are not, in fact, costumes meant to be worn on a regular basis, but are helpful tips in dressing for success during this spook-tacular season.

I'll end this post now, seeing as there is work to be done and I am released to enjoy the remainder of my evening in about an hour.

Happy Holidays.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I Wanna Do Right

It is Fall Break, thank heavens. Academic pressures have been temporary alleviated, and I'm savoring the moments while they last. I am spending this years* break in Wisconsin - Milwaukee, to be specific. I am staying with the family of Evan P. Donohue along with a few other Belmont friends. It has been a fantastic trip.

Yesterday, I went to the Schlitz Audubon Nature Center. It was pretty fantastic. A tower (Standing at about 50 or so feet, maybe higher) offered a magnificent view of Lake Michigan, which until now, I had only seen from an airplane. The Nature Center, which hosted multiple trails for hiking or just meandering, was right on the shore of the lake, which made it all the better. I feel a little bit misleading referring to anything that gigantic as a "lake". It's like calling a whale-shark a fish. I think we all know that whale-sharks transcend all fish-like boundaries, and by no means do they need to be referred to as such.

I found this interesting picture about a week ago. I'm curious to know what fantastic tale it belongs to. If anyone knows, please inform me. I'll get right to reading it. (Alice in Wonderland, maybe?)

*I have this weird feeling that I may have punctuated the word "years" wrong. Should there be an apostraphe in that? I haven't a clue!